Friday, December 28, 2007

Big Kid Week

Hi! I'm pretty excited to see that some people have left me comments, I didn't think anyone would be interested in reading my incredibly long first entry =) This week I was with the big kids all week, which I really enjoyed...but it was a LONG week, even with Christmas Day off. It's been a lot of fun getting to really know the kids and finally get their names straight. I don't know why, but all of them have very unusual names like Jaybri, Tadairius, Tajay, Serran, Keeshawn, Naima, Dante, and our little problem child Timmy. I've been working with a few on their behavioral issues and slowly but surely we are noticing some slight improvements on things like listening skills, anger management, etc. But there is still a long ways to go! Today my coworker and I met with the program director here on base and we were able to bring up our concerns and thoughts on how to improve the program and activities to incorporate, so I think next week will run a little smoother (next week is the same format as this week with New Years'). Anyways I'm happy to have the next couple of days off. Tomorrow Jana my roomie and I are headed to a nearby town by train to meet up with some of her family that is German...more to come on that. Hope all is well back home, enjoy all the snow I've been hearing about! P.S. Funny thing...turning on the news here recently the CNN world headlines was broadcasting live from none other than Des Moines, IA...pretty exciting. Apparently there is some sort of political event going on?! Haha =)

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