Saturday, January 12, 2008

An Interesting Week...

Hello hello! Well this week has been quite interesting to say the least...on Monday my schedule was messed up because I worked with a fitness class for the spouses. Tuesday was pretty normal except for having a 6-year-old tell me he was planning to run away and kill himself because everyone else hated him. It's all taken care of now, but the other staff members told me that his dad's deployment in Iraq is starting to get to him pretty bad (he was usually one of the best-behaved and now is among the worst in only a week's time)...and I also worked with a boy who would only speak German to me, but I'm pretty sure he knows perfect English haha. That was interesting. Wednesday I was sick and stayed back watching movies all day, but am feeling great now! Yesterday our schedules were once again messed up...very sadly, 16 soldiers from our base were killed or seriously injured in Iraq this week. A special meeting was held yesterday morning for support and counseling since this is a fairly small base and I think many of the soldiers had been here for at least a few years with their families. By coincidence all of their families are currently in the states for the holidays visiting family, but it's definitely changed the mood around here. So we watched the kids for the meeting and then afterwards took a break and then worked until 9:30. The base has been very empty and "soldierless" up until this week...for some reason a lot of soldiers and families have been arriving. I thought it was kind of strange because a decent amount of the soldiers are handicapped and on crutches...not sure what the story is with that. Today (Saturday) we worked too. I had about 14 school-agers to myself so I'm not doing much tonight, I am physically and mentally exhausted! Today I learned that it may not be such a great idea after-all to take 14 kids rollerblading when you are by yourself. It's amazing nobody got injured, but then again I don't think it would be possible with all the protective gear they had on! It was pretty funny watching them...some had never done it before, and they could barely move with all the pads on, but it's a rule so I couldn't really do anything about it. But they had a good time =) Tomorrow my friends and I are headed to Munich on one of the military trips, so I'm definitely looking forward to that!!! Until later! Love, Kelly

1 comment:

mark.tekippe said...

Finally found your blog! Looks like you are having a great time. see you at xmas next weekend!